1. Call your order to 614-846-3316 OR
3. Send a check or money order for your products made payable to Bracelets by Chris.
4. Product will be created upon receipt of the order and will be shipped after payment is received.
The entire process should take about 1-3 weeks
Be prepared to include the following information:
- Type of bracelet (e.g. mother's, grandmother's, spiritual)
- Wrist measurement
- Number of strands
- Name(s) to be included on the bracelet with exact spelling and birthstones (if applicable)
- Birthstones (or colors) to be included on the bracelet.
- Name and address of person ordering the items
- Name and address for shipping
- Instructions for gift message, if desired.
Note: Two names may be placed on a single strand. However, if the wrist measurement is smaller, it may be more
appropriate to order two strands.